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Monday, February 11, 2019

Is Deadlift Necessary?

Deadlift is the most beneficial workout to be done by any man or woman.  Deadlift is hard to learn but when you learn the basics you will be easily be able to do it.


Deadlift is like the best of the best workout it will activate almost every muscle group of your body part.

 It is good to build your body posture.  Deadlift has so many benefits because it active all the muscle group.

 If you do Deadlift you will feel a lot of pain and you know the saying "No pain No gain ".

It will active your glutes, low back, upper back and develop Strength in the hamstrings.

Deadlift will burn a specific amount of calories so it will also help in weight loss.

Deadlift will help to increase your Strength power too.

Note: Don't go heavy until you feel you can lift heavier than your current Pr. And if you did it in the good posture you will see benefits and if you did it in the bad posture you may end of having back pain, torn muscle and lot of problems. 

Why you should do Deadlift?
1. It active almost every muscle group of your body.
2. It helps to build Strength power.
3. It helps to lose weight.
4. It helps to improve your body posture. 
5. Deadlift will save you time.
6. It helps you to be healthy.

You may don't understand point 5 or 6. Let me explain to you.
First point no 5.
Yes, Deadlift will save your time because you will not be doing a long session of cardio doing to burn the same amount of calories as 4 sets of 12 reps Deadlift.
And yeah 35 mins of cardio or 15 mins of Heavy Deadlifts.
And let me explain the point no 6. It helps you to be healthy.
It is easy to understand because you know that I already mentioned Deadlift activates most of your body muscles group so yeah all of those group will be active and function properly.

1: First learn the basic.
2: Don't be carried away with ego while lifting.
You are not doing it for show off so put only enough weight that you can actually lift.
3: If you didn't have good form/position you might get back problems so focus in the form.
4: You might injure yourself.  So use straps to avoid getting wrist problems.
Straps will help to prevent wrist injury and to be safe from handling calluses, Torn skin.

Yes, it is important and you better do it in the good posture otherwise you may hurt yourself.
Many people fear of Deadlift because they think that it will hurt their back and grow back pain but it is not true it actually improve your back health according to studies.

  1. Tips :
  2. -There are many ways to do Deadlift so choose the better and easier one for you.
  3. -Try to add the weights as the time goes by.
  4. -Don't lift too heavy you may tear up your biceps and hurt your knees, wrist.
  5. -Try to use a wrist band if you are lifting heavy.
  6.  -Don't use wrist band until half percent of the weight which you are capable to lift.
  7. Ask the older gym folks for help.
  8. -Posture is the key better the posture better the chance of getting good results and less chance of getting hurt.
  9. -Try doing Deadlift with friends so they will tell you about your posture condition.
  10. -If you train alone you might be doing Deadlift in the wrong position without knowing.
  11. -Try to use a belt to prevent the back problem.

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