Saturday, February 16, 2019

How to do Most effective chest workouts for great chest.

Chest size makes you look good and the more bigger your chest the more good you will look . 
The most effective chest workout is given below .
 The chest workout fits upper chest,lower chest. 

Keep in mind :
= Don't lift too heavy weight than your strength because you might injure yourself. 
=Doing workout in good posture with low weights/plates is better than doing workout with bad posture and more weights/plates .
 =Don't do workout with bad posture if you do the workout with bad posture you won't see the results.

This is compound exercise so be careful you can loose grip and let the weight fall and cause accidents.

1 - Bench press & short grip bench press.
Bench press is the most popular workout in every person category.
It will active your chest and pump it .
It will increase your Strength but keep in mind while doing chest exercises don't lay down flat in the bench you have to touch your bench only with your upper back and your butt.
You have to keep your chest up and do the reps if your did it in the bad posture you will not see any results.

 2 - Dumbbell press.
It is same like bench press you just have to use dumbbells instead.
In this workout you have to be seated same way as the person in the picture like only his upper back and butt is touching the bench and the middle part is in the air.
You have to push the barbell in front of your chest and try to squeeze your chest.

3 - Incline dumbbell press.
It is same as dumbbells press but in this you will do in the incline way which means you will active your pectoralis major or in simple language it will active your upper chest.

4 - Decline dumbbell press
In this workout you have to seat like your legs should be seated in up side and the head should be seated in low side like you are going to do crunches. 
You have to be seated properly and this workout will act.

5. Dips .
It will help to active pectoralis major and your triceps too.

These are main exercises you have to add more 2 which you like it can be push ups or cable fly, any machine related chest exercise.
Just squeeze your chest and the result will came.
 And keep in mind that you don't need to go heavy in 3 workout go heavy and in other 3 workout go medium and complete reps.
 You can feel little of your triceps hurting while doing chest exercises it is because your triceps& shoulders also works while your chest workout. 

Conclusion : 
Do these workouts to get great chest.
Keep in mind that you should always keep your grip in perfect way otherwise the weight may fall on you.

Workouts for chest : 
1. Bench press
2. Dumbbells press
3. Push ups 
4. Incline/Decline dumbbell press
5. Incline/Decline Bench press 
6. Dips.
7. Cable fly 
8. Machine fly. 

I would recommend you to use the free weights workout but at first it will be hard so you should practice this above workout with some machine like Smith machine .

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