Friday, February 15, 2019

How to do Effective Back workout routine for great back.

You need to do regular back exercises to get the v shape body type. Back exercise is what makes the body looks cool.

Bigger lats make the waist look smaller and you will have a V-shaped body.

The back is the reason for having v shape because it will increase your upper body size and makes you have v shape. Lats is what makes body have v shape the bigger your lats the better your body looks. The back exercise can be also called the pulling exercise which means the exercises that needed to be done by pulling are known as back workouts for example: pull-ups( in pull-ups you pull your body upward to do some reps so while doing pull you are doing back exercise too) 

The back workout : 
Just squeeze your back in every workout.
1: Pull-ups.
- you should do some pull-ups to make an effective back workout. I think a back workout isn't complete without pull-ups. The pull-ups are the most effective because it will active most of your back body part and mainly lats which will help to get v shape. Do pullups in the first and do the rest workouts later.

2: Deadlift.
*Deadlift is a deadly weapon that can improve everything. Deadlift is too good because it improves your body posture, Strength, Strong back. Deadlift is a not gonna miss type of workout which will give you a good result. (But some people do Deadlift in their legs day so it's your choice in which day you want to do your Deadlift).

3: Cable front pulldown &
Reverse grip lat pulldown.
-This works very effectively in your lats just do it properly don't lift too heavy.  If you lift heavier than you can your posture will be moved and the workout will not be effective to increase your back muscle.

4: Barbell Row.
-Barbell row is very important because it acts a lot of back muscles just like in the picture it active most of the back muscles which is very important for muscle building.  

5: Seated Row.
-In every gym, you can see everybody doing this workout because it is effective and easy. This seated row will active your back and little bit biceps too. 

What makes your back more active notice it, do it and keep repeating it because it works for you.
Some workout works for you and not me and some may works for you not me so what you have to do is try every workout and feel it.
You should always try doing deadlifts, pull-ups and barbell row never miss this workout.
The bigger your lats the good your body will look because your big lats make the waist look smaller and you would look like a v shape body type person.

At end Note : 
Don't get confused if your biceps get active between this workout it is natural because in pull workout your biceps also get used along with back.  I mean the workout may active biceps sometimes but the main objective is to feel pain in the back while working out. Just don't forget to pause between reps and squeeze your back while pulling and be humble results take time.

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