Sunday, March 17, 2019

High intensity interval training for Weight loss. 6 benefits of HIIT.

Losing weight has become a hard thing for today's people than it was back in the old days due to more facilities available and laziness.
Health gurus or scientist[health] have already made many effective workouts and diet plans for weight loss but people are not using it because they are confused by gym bros or bro science.
There are lots of free plans for losing weight but I would suggest using High-Intensity Interval Training[HIIT] because it is more effective and faster.
First of all, we have to learn what is HIIT and how does it should be done for good results.

What is High-Intensity Interval Training [HIIT]?

 High-intensity interval training is a training technique where you put all of your effort for a short period of time followed by a period of rest or active recovery. For an example= 1 min of running followed by 40 seconds of rest for 8 minutes, 30 seconds of rowing followed by 15 seconds of rest for 5 minutes.

How long it last or should last.

A HIIT workout is considered to be done with the intervals that last around 10 seconds to 1 minute and the workout must be last between 5 to 20 minutes.
The workout intervals can be done with any activity such as running, rowing, squat jumps, etc. it all works as long as the workout is done with a lot of intensity.
And rest intervals can include jogging, bouncing.

Does it have any advantage over regular Cardio?

Well HIIT has been proven to be a good weight loss workout by many scientific experiments so you should also try this and you will find out amazing results.

1. You will save time.
The main excuse for a person for not losing weight is not having time. People say that they are busy or it took too long to get to the gym, if you are one of these people who run out time in a day then this HIIT workout might be for you.
Instead of spending your time in long cardio with less effort you should be doing HIIT workout. A good HIIT workout is much shorter and more effective.

2. No equipment required.
Yes, you can perform HIIT with all kind of exercises but it can be also be done from anywhere with no weights or equipment. so, if you cannot make it to the gym then you can perform it anywhere you want like from your home.

3. Customize-able.
A lot of people get bored because they cannot stick with the routine. HIIT is a simple protocol and not a specific exercise so it can be done with anything that you like to do, you will always be able to create some sort of variety in your workouts and keep things fresh and interesting with HIIT.

4. Stickable.
The more you enjoy a workout the more you will stick with it. Many people find HIIT easier and enjoyable so they stick with it. The results will come when you will stick to a routine.

5. Improves vo2 max.
vo2 is the amount of oxygen you can use during an exercise. The more vo2 the more beneficial it will be because the person who has better vo2 max can perform the longer and harder workout and the better health you will be in. 

6. Burns more body fat than traditional cardio.
In a short amount of time, you will lose the same amount of fat as traditional cardio and even more fat burning.

Is HIIT the magical formula for weight loss.

Yes, it is but not completely because you won't get a flat belly or six abs if you don't focus on your diet. so take care of the diet too and the hiit will also help to get a good result.
That means it can be a great fat loss tool but you have to focus on your diet too if your goal is to have a flat belly.

Shall I stop doing my workout routine

No, you should not stop doing your workout routine if you are in love with or in other words if you like to do it and seeing results. 
The main point of hiit is that it is useful for those who are lazy and don't have enough time. 
But if you have a great routine then you should stick with it. 

HIIT must be between 5 to 20 minutes too long is not good. Give your best for 20 minutes in HITT  rather than spending 60 minutes on any cardio which results same fat loss.
HIIT is proven and very effective for weight loss so you should be doing this, also take care of your diet too.
HIIT is easier, shorter and enjoyable with more benefits so people tend to find HIIT more useful.
It can be done anywhere without any types of equipment so it is time-saving and money saving.

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