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Sunday, March 31, 2019

How much exercise a day to lose weight fast.


There is not any recommended information or rocket science about how much you should do your exercise in a day to lose weight fast. But, everyone should be aware that if you lose weight too fast you will have some health problems. Rapid weight loss isn't good so you should try to lose weight slowly which will last long. Many people lose weight very fast and gain it back in a very short amount so it isn't worth losing weight very fast. It is possible to lose lots of weight under a week but it isn't going to help for the long-term fix.

How much exercise a day to lose weight fast.

Lose more calories than you take to lose weight.
To lose weight fast you have to do at least 45 minutes of exercises a day. It can be cardio or weight workouts but if you mix both cardio and weight workouts, you can see very good results in a short amount of time. Only cardio isn't the best way to lose weight, you should try different workouts because the same workouts don't work for everyone. You can also lift weights, lifting weight will help to increase your digestion power for a long time.
You can also do Hiit for weight loss. Hitt is short and fun exercise so if you are a lazy person Hiit is for you.
Exercising alone isn't going to help you lose weight, a good diet is also part of weight loss. If you don't consume enough fiber, proteins, minerals it will be hard to lose weight by exercise alone. You need to take care of what you eat because the things you eat will decide how you will become. Eating lots of fast foods which have lots of unhealthy carbs and fat will make you fat so don't eat any fast foods if you want to lose weight. You have to eat lots of vegetables too. You should also take protein shakes if you aren't eating proteins, Proteins helps to heal your torn muscles and helps to lose weight. 

Water intake is also important, Drink lots of water it helps flushes toxins and waste from your body and transports the nutrients to the right place. Daily fluid intake is important for our body to function properly and it also helps to get clear skin.

Rest is also an important factor, without enough rest your body will not work as it should be. Not resting enough will effect on your exercise performance and your digestive system too.

45 minutes of exercise is enough to lose weight but you have to do it daily. Losing weight just by exercising alone is not easy so you should try to eat healthy. If you eat healthy, you will see the results faster. Try to drink lots of water, water has its own importance. Also, don't forget to take rest, you should sleep at least 8 hours a day to lose weight fast.
Losing too many weights in a short amount is not good for health so try to lose weight slowly but steady. 

Other Topics.
Is cardio important.


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