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Sunday, March 24, 2019

How to get fat ankles.


If you have a nice looking big thighs and small ankles it will look un-matching. You don't want to look like that so you have to start doing the workout. Losing and adding muscles or fat depends on your workout and diet so you need to really focus on your workout and diet. You have to take care of both diet and workout to see the results quickly otherwise it won't be worth doing.

Diet is the main part of the Goal as we all know that 70 percent of diet and 30 percent of workout decides whether we lose fat or gain. so you have to take protein every day. You need to a lot of protein, and a few carbs and fat. Carbs and fat are also important to gain big ankles and they will give you energy while workout. Protein will repair your muscle tissue so you don't have to forget to take it after the workout.
Water is also very important because it flushes toxins and waste from your body and transports the nutrients to the right place. Daily fluid intake is important for our body to function properly and it also helps to get clear skin and helps you to look more beautiful. Vitamins and minerals are also important.

The main point is you have to take Protein-rich foods, fiber-rich foods, lots of water, Vegetables and meat, Less fat and Fewer carbs.

Now let's get into the exercise. It is helpful for both people who are skinny and fat.
1. Calf Raises= Simply stand in the ground and lift up your heels in the air with the help of your toes and the balls of your feet. Try to hold each calf for at least 2 seconds before coming down on your heels. Do 4 sets of calf raises daily with 12 reps take 10-60 seconds of rest between sets for better results. You will feel your calf getting toned. You can also use weights if you get more comfortable with your exercise. You can perform it anywhere with a machine and without a machine.

2. Tiptoe squat= Stand in a position where you are touching the ground with only your tiptoe and try to squat. The gap between the leg should not be too short and try to squeeze it when you are getting up. The more it hurts the better result you will get. Do 4 sets with as many reps you can and take rest of 1 min between sets. Resting for too long between sets is not good.

3. Seated calf raises= Sit on a bench and put something which is heavy on your laps and tries to raise your leg. Lift your leg while touching the ground with the tip of the toes only. Do 5 sets with as many reps you could and take a few seconds of rest between sets. Pause between the reps for 2 seconds and keep repeating. You can use weight bags or dumbbells as weight on laps.

4. Tiptoe walk= Try to walk with the help of only tiptoes and keep walking. While walking tries to squeeze your calf.

Try to do these exercises daily and increase the weight of the equipment which you are using to do the workout. Increase the reps as you get more comfortable. You have to increase your reps and weights as you get comfortable with your workout because your body has been already used to your workout and won't give you good results as beginning so for best results keep increasing the reps and the weights of equipment. You have to keep changing workout for a better result so someday try to do seated calf raise and someday try to do standing calf raises or sometimes single leg calf raises. All you have to do is do only 3 exercises a day and keep changing exercise daily so every muscle parts your ankles get bigger. And focus on your diet too.

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