Thursday, March 28, 2019

What does fiber do to your poop.

What does fiber do to your poop.

 - Fiber helps increases the weight and size of your stool and makes it soften.
A bulky stool is easier to pass, decreasing your chance of constipation.
If you have loose, watery stools, fiber may help to solidify the stool because it absorbs water and adds bulk to stool. 
so, basically it helps you to poop easily.

What is Fiber?

Fiber is parts of plants that cant be digested. Even though it cant be digested, it is still an essential part of our diet.

The types of fiber.
1. solubule fiber= which dissolves in water and becomes gel like as it passes through the body.
2. Insoluble fiber= which doesn’t dissolve in water and keeps its form as it passes through the body. Both types of fiber are typically found in plant foods, but rarely in equal portions.
Both forms have an equally important part in our diet, so you shouldn’t focus on one over the other. Some of the potential benefits of fiber include:
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Weight control
  • Constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome[IBS]
  • Removes toxins
  • Help with Blood sugar control
Fiber Recommendations.
The Institute of Medicine recommends 38g of fiber for men, and 25 g for women per day, and you should make this increase gradually. Fiber rich foods. 1. Fruits
2. vegetables
3. whole grain pasta
4. legumes
5. nuts and seeds.

How do you know you aren't eating enough fiber.

Constipation is the indication that you're not eating enough fiber. If you have less than three bowel movements per week, you suffer with constipation or your stools are dry, hard and difficult to pass. Adding more fiber in your diet can help with constipation. Fiber helps form soft, bulky stools, preventing and relieving constipation. Larger stools help keep you regular.

2. You Are Instantly Hungry Eating It is likely that your meal if you are still feeling hungry after having a meal. You see, the distance in your digestive tract and fiber will fill up you, hence, you feel fulfilled and pangs of hunger do not keep distracting you. However, after eating an hour or two hours before if your stomach is growling, that is a sign you will need to collect more fiber . To avoid such a circumstance, begin your meal with a bowl of salad, or a soup made from beans and veggies. You can add your salad and a cup of beans. 3. You're bloated
It is no secret that overdoing it can leave you feeling uncomfortable and bloated. But eat fiber, and you are stuck with the issue. That's because everything is kept by fiber on your pipes moving in a smooth pace. Along the superhighway, the products of digestion get stuck without fiber, resulting in backups and bloat. 

4. High Glucose Levels 
If you find controlling your glucose levels difficult and are diabetic, you want to keep a close eye. Since fiber delays the absorption of sugar consider adding fresh produce, beans and peas, brown rice, and other foods. 

5. Feeling Sleepy After Meals 
Eating a meal can make you sleepy, but then odds are high that you're not eating enough fiber if you will need a nap. Fiber is crucial for keeping your glucose levels stable. Your blood sugar will spike when you consume a meal. This can make you feel fatigued or lethargic, and you'll need a rest to recharge your body.
It's easy to boost your consumption, if you are not eating enough fiber each day. Some of the good foods include beans, fruits, vegetables, whole-grain goods, legumes, seeds and nuts. Avoid processed or refined foods, since they are lower in fiber. Before taking any fiber supplements can be found on the current market, but check with your physician. When eating more fiber make certain to drink an adequate quantity of water to help avoid any issues.

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