As we became older our digestion system gets slower too so we need to be careful about our lifestyle, foods, hygiene and other factors.
Laziness or un-activeness can also cause belly fat.
What is belly fat?
Belly fat is excess abdominal fat surrounding the organs in your stomach. Excessive body fat cause lots of diseases and it is very unhealthy. It occurs Due to lack of exercise and unhealthy foods.
How To Get Rid of Belly Fat.
Losing fat from a certain body part is very difficult if the person is over-weight. So when a person lose weight from all over the body, the Belly fat will also go away. Exercise is very necessary if you are over-weigh. I will recommend doing Cardio and Weight training. You should always do crunches every day [200+ per day].
The more you are active, the more you will lose your body fat.
Try to do some weight training too along with the cardio training. HIIT is good if you are lazy and don't have lots of time. Try to do some vacuum which will help you to get the perfect v shape.
Eating junk and oily foods will increase the amount of fat in your body. By avoiding them you can lose belly fat. Eat vegetables and fruits. Foods which are rich in proteins, vitamins and fiber can help to reduce belly.
Eat 5 times a day because you will eat less and your belly won't be bloated.You can also eat big meals 2/3 times a day with breakfast but you will eat too much which will cause your belly to be bloated and big so eat small, eat often.
Eat protein-rich and fiber-rich foods which are going to help you in the journey of weight loss and try to have small meals.
Avoid drinking and eating sugary drinks and foods. Eat vegetables and fruits. Just because you are eating healthy food it doesn't mean you should be eating a lot, even healthy foods have lots of carbs so try to eat less food and maintain your diet. Spend more calories than you are consuming daily.
Why we get belly fat.
As I mentioned earlier that your Age, Lifestyle, Food, Genetics, hormones, and other Factors are the reasons behind your Belly fat.Age- As you get older your digestion system will be slower so your body won't be able to digest your foods as it used to do and you will get belly fat.
Genetics- Sometimes we aren't just lucky. If your parents have a big belly even when they aren't fat it will affect you.
Food- Eating unhealthy foods will cause you to have belly fat.
Lifestyle- If you are always on the couch using mobiles and watch films all day you will obviously become fat.
Hormones- Due to hormonal disorders some people have a big belly.
Check out this video for more information.
Such a nice piece of content I found to vanish that undeterred belly fat fast. I have tried so much things and read so much over the internet about the same but this seems radically divergent. Thank you.