Thursday, April 11, 2019

How To Get Clear Skin.

Nowadays it is getting difficult to have a clear face due to lots of pollution in the environment. The pollution is increasing day by day so taking care of your skin is necessary. Along with The Pollution, Hygiene, Food, Lifestyle affects on your skin. In this blog, we will talk about how to get a clear face which means get rid of skin problems and have healthy skin. We will not be talking about how to get fair skin or something like that, love your skin.

How to Get Clear skin?

Getting clear skin is not a difficult thing. It is very easy, you just need to take care of your Food hygiene and sleep. Pimples, Acne, pigmentation are the main symptoms of bad skin. 
The tips to get your skin clear and clean are explained below:-

1. Food:- You need to take care of your diet. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, and fewer meats. Specifically don't eat spicy, oily and fried foods. Decrease the number of junk foods. And if you can, Don't eat junk and fast foods.

2. Water:- Drink lots of water. Water is very important because it flushes toxins and waste from your body and transports the nutrients to the right place. Daily fluid intake is important for our body to function properly and it helps to get clear skin and helps you to look more beautiful. Water means water don't take Sugary drinks or Alcohols. Not every liquid is good. 

3. Exercise:- You need to take care of your health too. More than 20 minutes of exercise a day is beneficial because it will lower cortisol levels. Therefore lowering inflammation in the body and preventing acne.

4. Use Uv creams and Avoid sun Ray:- According to American cancer society UV Ray causes skin cancers so use UV creams whenever you go outside. Too much sun exposure causes skin tans and darkens. Use caps or umbrellas if you are going to spend most time outside in the sun.

5. Sleep:- Sleep is very important. Most of us use a mobile or laptop till late night and sleep less which cause dark circles in your eyes and acne too. So always try to have at least 8 hours of quality sleep a day to get clear skin.

6. Quit Smoking:- Smoking causes the aging of your skin very rapidly and makes your skin baggy and saggy. It damages the collagen fibers of your skin which ordinarily make it firm and strong. The more you puff the more your skin gets rough.
7. Don't touch your face all the time:- Most of the people especially students always put their hands on their face all the time. Stop doing that because we touch a lot of things in our daily life and most of the time we forget to wash our hand which means the dirty bacteria and dust will directly get into your skin if you keep touching it. So always wash hands and don't touch your face all the time.

8. Use water only:- Water is enough to get clean skin so try to use water only for face washing. If you use skin products then use the quality products which are natural. Don't go for fake and cheap stuff otherwise, you will end up damaging your skin. Water is the free God gift for Face washing.

9. Don't touch or poke pimples:- Be Always careful with your pimples, don't touch them or poke them it will cause a permanent scar or little holes on the skin. Pimples will go away in 2 or 3 days so don't try to poke it. If you really want to poke it use pieces of cotton and wash your hand properly before poking or breaking it.

10. Wash your face:- You need to wash your face at least 2 times a day. In the morning after you wake up and in the night before you sleep. Girls don't sleep with makeup on it will cause problems on your skin. If you did any cardio or exercise which cause lots of sweat then wash your face after you finish it.

You can use a Tiege Hanley's facial Moisturizer. It improves your skin's elasticity, evens out dark spots, and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. [ It has better quality and good review]
-Tiege Hanley Face Wash for Men.

11. Stress less:- Stressing causes pigmentation and other skin problems so try to stress less. A short time of yoga or any comedy clips will help you to reduce stress. Stressing also cause wrinkles on your face even when you are a teenager.

These are the most important things to take care of. If you take care of these things you will get good clear skin in a short amount of time. It is never late to have clear skin so try from early to save your skin otherwise, you will regret in your 20's.

Some people don't have clear skin due to their hormonal issues so if you tried the 11 things from above then you should fix an appointment with a skin doctor. The doctor will give you suggestions and medicines which will help you. Your genetics also matters, if your parents had a skin there is a high chance of you having a bad skin too. Don't be worried. Too much of worrying also cause skin problems so be happy with what you have and take care of your skin. The result will come soon.

- Take care of your diet.
- Drink lots of water and less amount of sugary drinks.
- Take quality sleep and do exercise.
- Use water for face washing.
- Stress less and don't touch your face all the time.
Quit smoking and alcohol.
- Use a sunscreen or hide your face from sun ray.
- Moisturize your face.
- Use natural products only.

You should try this method for a few months and see the results. The results will be worth doing. The more you care about your skin the better it will be so spend your time on learning how to take care of your skin.
I would recommend never using any products because water is enough for everything but you should be using sunscreen or sun blocker. 

Check this video for more details.

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