Thursday, February 21, 2019

Does Masturbation affects your gains. The dark side of Masturbation or fapping.

So are you stressed out because you don't know you might lose your gym gains then you are in the right place. I am going to tell some things about masturbation and you have to decide and apply the knowledge in your life.

As we have been hearing a lot of confusion about masturbation I wanted to share my some thoughts with you guys. I researched about masturbation affecting your gain on the internet and books and I have come to this conclusion.
Many people say that it is bad to masturbate because it will make you feel lazy, Tired, Less confident, Regretful.
Mostly in gym people say you will lose your gain if you do Masturbation because it will decrease TESTOSTERONE.
Testosterone is an androgenic hormone that plays a crucial role in the development of the male characteristics in the body. The characteristic that you need to know is that with high levels of testosterone your body is better able to build muscle through muscle protein synthesis after a stimulating workout both men and women have testosterone but men have approximately 15 times more than women.

The belief on the Internet is that masturbation and orgasm will cause your testosterone levels to deflate. So that obviously means your gains will be softening, too.

what happens to your body when you finally do masturbate or orgasm?

The very first clear change after masturbation is the 20 minutes boost in the hormone prolactin.
This seems to serve the purpose of suppressing sexual desires following orgasm.
 when prolactin increases, the hormone causing sexual arousal, dopamine, decreases.
 Also, heart rate stays elevated a few hours after orgasm and elevated even higher if the subjects worked out after orgasm versus working out without orgasm.
 Even so, studies show that orgasm had no detrimental nor improving effects in moderate to maximum exercise performance, And finally, the effects of masturbation on testosterone levels were non-existent.
so it seems safe to say that masturbation and orgasm isn't going to affect your gains all that much. And even though abstinence did see some increase in testosterone the difference is not enough to justify holding back any sexual activity in fact the changes aren't nearly as much as other factors you should consider one of which is the time of day when you wake up your testosterone levels are at its highest towards the evening to drop by as much as 75%.
Studies even found a decrease in testosterone levels if you lose any competitive events.
lacking certain nutrients, like zinc also cause a much more dramatic decline in serum testosterone and of course a huge factor is your actual exercise.

Almost every exercise increase testosterone levels for a short amount of time with resistance training having the greatest increase.
As we can see there are so many other things and play that worrying about timing your fap or masturbate seems rather pointless and these, small short-term changes are not nearly as important as maintaining high testosterone levels in the long run.
But with all this being said, you should still limit yourself.
If you are the type of person that make excuses so often that you don't have time for the gym or if you're the type that after you masturbate you no longer have motivation or feel that you're up for going to the gym then yes masturbation can damage your gains like anything else in life moderation is absolutely key.
Now you people feel relieved with this news.
 I am not saying it is bad or good but it also depends on people, so at the end of the day try experimenting on yourself go a month or 2 weeks without masturbation and see how it feels on you. Did you feel energetic, strong, confident or just the same as the days you masturbate? If there is no difference than it's your choice to do it or not.

If you guys want to masturbate you guys can do it but masturbation will affect your gains not much but it does affect.
It all depends on how you do it so if you guys are doing it daily then it will be hard for you guys to gain muscles, you will be weak.
It is kind of sad to say but if you guys can control masturbation try not to do it like a lot try to do it once a week or twice a week, try focus in gains. so try to balance it don't do it like every day.

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